Harp Weekly – WordPress to Harp

If you’re looking to upgrade a WordPress site to Harp, this would be a great week. A new script will help you migrate your data, the Harp blog boilerplate now supports Disqus comments by default, and there’s a new guide to using tags with static posts.

Harp v0.10.1

Harp received a minor update this week, which adds LESS 1.5.1. Update using npm install harp -g, using sudo if necessary.

Harp at RubyConf Argentina

Brock Whitten, author of Harp, will be speaking about Harp and the Harp Platform at RubyConf Argentina. The event takes place in Buenos Aires, November 27th and 28th. If you’re attending, make sure to reply to @sintaxi and let him know.

WordPress to Harp

Ethan Eldridge has created a script to prepare WordPress’ JSON for Harp. If you’re looking to upgrade a WordPress site to Harp, this looks like an efficient way to migrate your posts and metadata.

Ethan has already added features since starting the project last week. WPJSON4Harp joins Jekyll2Harp on the list of easy-upgrade tools.

Comments and tags

Jordan Cauley has updated the default Blog boilerplate to support Disqus commenting. It, Baseline, and Remedy all support commenting just by adding your Disqus key to the harp.json file.

If you’re looking to add tagging to your blog in addition to commenting, Hauke Wesselmann has written a post about adding a simple tag cloud to a Harp-based blog. I’ve seen this done client-side with a reasonable fallback; it’s great that Hauke is looking into ways of doing this on the web server side. He’s also experimenting with using Harp to create a FirefoxOS application!

Outsider introduces Harp

Outsider has written an article introducing Harp in Korean. It discusses some of Harp’s main features and how they can make your project more manageable.

CascadiaJS 2013

CascadiaJS is a two-day conference on the cutting edge of JavaScript, recently took place in Vancouver. Their site is built using Harp, and videos of all the talks are now online! It was a fantastic event, and a pleasure to meet new people using Harp during it.


Some fun projects also came out of CascadiaJS’ Hacker Olympics, including a Harp application by Chris Nicola that logs your voice to the console.

Next Harp Weekly

There’s a great new release of Harp coming soon. Make sure to follow @HarpWebServer or watch Harp on GitHub to be notified first. Or, subscribe to Harp Weekly to get the next edition emailed to you.