How to create art directed blog posts with Harp

This recipie will show you how to style individual posts differently.


Art directed blog posts commonly refer to styling blog posts or portfolio projects distinctly, depending on the content included.

Example using Jade templating

You might structure your site as follows:

▾ /
  ▪ _layout.jade         <-- Basic layout will wrap everything
  ▪ index.jade           <-- Index page
  ▪ 404.jade             <-- Your 404 page, will get served at /404
  ▪             <-- Your about page, will get served at /about
  ▪ css/
      ▪ main.scss        <-- Main Sass file
  ▪ blog/
      ▪ _data.json       <-- Your blog’s flexible metadata
      ▪ index.jade       <-- Blog index
      ▪        <-- An example post
      ▪        <-- Another blog item
      ▪ post-7.jade      <-- A blog post where you want more control over the markup, so used Jade

Now, for the art directed posts, you can use Harp’s current variable. You can use it in the _layout file, like this:

html(class="#{ current.path[0] == 'blog' ? current.source : '' }")
    title Hello, world
    != yield

When you visit portfolio/project-6, This will render as:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html class="project-6">

…allowing you to style the post differently. When you visit other pages, it will just render without a class name. You could change this however you want, and just have the page’s class name everywhere if you decided that was appropriate for your used case. Another example might be to prefix the class name with art-dir- or something.

Example using EJS templating

You might structure your site as follows:

▾ /
  ▪ _layout.ejs          <-- Basic layout will wrap everything
  ▪ index.ejs            <-- Index page
  ▪ 404.ejs              <-- Your 404 page, will get served at /404
  ▪             <-- Your about page, will get served at /about
  ▪ css/
      ▪ main.scss        <-- Main Sass file
  ▪ blog/
      ▪ _data.json       <-- Your blog’s flexible metadata
      ▪ index.ejs        <-- Blog index
      ▪        <-- An example post
      ▪        <-- Another blog item
      ▪ post-7.ejs       <-- A blog post where you want more control over the markup, so used EJS

Now, for the art directed posts, you can use Harp’s current variable. You can use it in the _layout file, like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="<%= current.path[0] == 'blog' ? current.source : '' %>">
    <title>Hello, world</title>
    <%- yield %>

When you visit portfolio/project-6, This will render as:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="project-6">

…allowing you to style the post differently. When you visit other pages, it will just render without a class name. You could change this however you want, and just have the page’s class name everywhere if you decided that was appropriate for your used case. Another example might be to prefix the class name with art-dir- or something.

Also see