
The Harp web server can run both locally and in production mode. The environment variable is a string that returns "production" or "development" depending on this correct context.


The Harp web server can run locally, for developing, or in production mode, as a production-ready web server. With the environment variable, your Harp app can act differently whether or not you are running it locally.

This is perfect for creating draft posts in a static blog, for example, or loading development resources only while developing a client side application.


The environment variable opens many possibilities: your blog can behave one way locally, and another way when it’s published on the Harp Platform or served by Harp in production mode. Additionally, harp compile, which flattens your blog into static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, is considered to be a production environment. This means that anything intended for production will still occur even when you’re hosting static files.

EJS Example

This is a very simple example showing how to use a conditional to check which environment Harp is running in, in EJS.

<h1>Harp is in <%- environment %> mode.</h1>
<% if(environment == "production") { %>
  <p>See? Harp is in production mode.</p>
<% } else { %>
  <p>Okay, Harp is in development mode right now.</p>
<% } %>

Jade Example

This is a simple example showing how to use a conditional to check which environment Harp is running in, in Jade.

h1 Harp is in #{ environment }
if environment == "production"
  p See? Harp is in production mode.
 p Okay, Harp is in development mode right now.

Also see